From the Work Order module, click on the + button to open the New Work Order form.
Enter the *required fields, then any other optional information to the form.
Attach file - use your camera or mobile images/files to attach to this work order
*Title - what the job is about
*Description - details about the job/message to the maintenece tech or team
Priority - level of severity or importance
Category - group or department
Assign to - technician to complete the work order
Work Type - 1 of 2 types. The fields on the form change based on Work Type
Reactive - one-time, adhoc work order, in which you manually select the due date.
Preventive - re-occurring, regularly scheduled WOs, which you select the automated frequency
Due Date (Reactive) - when WO should be completed by
Schedule Type (Preventive) - select frequency from the dropdown
Frequency - how often a Preventive work order should generate
One-time - single work order
Persistent - work order generates exactly as scheduled
Floating - work order generates based on a certain amount of time after the completion of the last work order
Repeats every - select time frame from dropdown
Starting from - date and time the first Preventive work order automatically generates
Time to Complete - time frame the work order should be completed by
Location - where the work needs to be done
Asset - equipment to work on
Vendor - outside contractor
Checklist - a list of multiple tasks to note and complete
Status - current situation of the work order
Click Save when done.
Reactive WOs are listed in the Work Order module. Preventive WOs appear come the scheduled date.
Create a Reactive or Preventive Work Order from your mobile phone, while on the go.
Updated over a year ago