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PMs Module Explained
PMs Module Explained

The module where you can view, add, and edit all regularly scheduled maintenance work order information

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Click Maint has two types of work orders:

  • Reactive - for unplanned, ad-hoc, unscheduled maintenance activity

  • Preventive - for regularly, reoccurring maintenance activity

The PM Module is where all your PM information is kept. With the right user permissions, you can view all PM details, add new data, or change existing information.

What is a PM?

Preventive Maintenance (PM) is a scheduled maintenance activity aimed at preventing equipment failures before they occur. By regularly inspecting and maintaining equipment, PMs help reduce downtime, extend the life of assets, and minimize unexpected repairs. For example, a PM might check the oil in a car or look at the belts on a machine to make sure they are in good shape. Ultimately the goal is to focus on Preventive work orders so Reactive work orders - work orders that are generated in response to a malfunction or issue that has already taken place, aren't necessary.

PMs Module

The PMs module is designed to view and manage preventive maintenance details. This module helps facility managers or those that manage routine activity. There are several features to help users stay informed about their regularly scheduled maintenance.

  • List View

The default view of the module that displays all previously entered PMs in your system.

  • Search bar

Enter a key-word in the search bar at the top center of the module. This helps locate specifics.

  • Quick Filters

The quick filters help to locate some of the more common searches for PMs. A number next to "Filter" identifies how many filters categories are in use and currently on display in the list view.

  • Settings icon

Click on the icon to open the View Settings window. You can customize the columns you want in your list view and in which order. This setting applies to you only and not other users of the program. There are several columns of info. Use the drag bar at the bottom of the screen to see all.


This column helps to quickly identify which PM are coming up.

  • Red - elapsed time from current to next creation date is greater than 76%

  • Green - elapsed time from current to next creation date is less than 75%

  • Active - link to the current open PM

View PM Detail Card

Once the PM is created, you can view its details by selecting it from the list view of PMs. Click on the name of any PM to open the PM detail card and find:

  • Active - link to the most current open work order

  • Activate Now - generate the work order instantly and earlier than scheduled

  • Planned - PM will generate as expected

  • Paused - work order won't generate as expected, untill put in Planned again

  • Edit - for users with correct permission to open the PM form and edit details

  • More icon - to print PM details card or delete PM

  • Parts - link parts to the PMs work order

  • Work Order History - use the date range filter to change results

  • Completed WO - toggle on of off to include closed work orders of the PM

Add a PM

To create a PM in Click Maint, navigate to the PMs module, and click on +Work Order. Enter the details, such as the asset, category, and checklist, and tasks to be performed. Choose the "Preventive" work type and enter the schedule date or frequency the work order will automatically generate, which can be in hours, days, weeks, months, or years. For example, you might create a PM for an HVAC system to be serviced every six months.

Take a look at the complete guide on how to Create a Preventive Work Order.

How to Schedule a PM

To schedule a PM in Click Maint, you'll need to set the frequency and start date for the maintenance activity. After you have created a PM and selected Preventive work type, go to the “Schedule” section. You can choose between a One-Time, Persistent, and Floating schedule type. Select the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). Choose the start date and any additional details such as the time to complete and assigned technician. Click “Save” to schedule the PM. For example, you might schedule a monthly PM for a critical server to ensure it stays operational. Your PM work order will appear in the Work Order module come the scheduled date, ready to be changed to a Completed status once the work is done.

PM Schedule Types

  • One-Time - PMs that happen often but not regularly. The PM can be used like a template and edited to schedule a date as needed.

  • Persistent - generates consistently based on a calendar date. This creates a work order exactly as the schedule. If work orders aren't completed as expected, this helps identify that.

  • Floating - generates based on when the last work order was completed. Prevent the same tickets from piling up.

Edit PM

Those with the correct permissions can click on the name of PM from the module's list view and hit the Edit button to change the PM details. This opens the PM form. Simply click in any field, then hit the Save button to keep your changes.

Once the work order generates, based on the schedule date, find it in the Work Order module.

Difference between Work Orders Module and PMs Module

WO Module

The Work Orders module in Click Maint is designed to handle both Reactive and Preventive work orders. This is where you'll find all open work orders. When any user logs in, the Work Orders module is the default module and is primarily used by technicians. It allows them to track open work orders and view completed tasks. Use the Work Order Type quick filter to group all your PMs together.

PMs Module

As mentioned earlier, the PMs module is where all the PMs details are stored. This is the module where you can view, add, and edit PM details.

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