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Schedule PMs

How to schedule your reoccurring work orders

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Customize exactly when you want your Preventive Work Orders to generate.

Once you select Preventive Work Order type on a New Work Order form, the Schedule section opens. There are three schedule-type options, with endless possibilities:

Gif - Schedule Options

Guide - One-Time

Generate one work order with one schedule date so the necessary work is performed on time. Great option when you know there's an SOP involved but uncertain how often. You can generate as needed by editing the One-time schedule date.

  1. Select Preventive Work Type to open Schedule.

  2. Select One-time.

  3. Click in the Starting from field and select the future date and hour you want the Preventive Work Order to automatically generate.

  4. Enter when the work order should be completed by in the Time to complete field.

  5. Confirm the scheduling details at the bottom of the Schedule section, then add any other details to the New Work Order form before you hit the Save button.

Guide - Persistent

Use the Persistent schedule when you want a work order to be created and repeated every hour, day, week, month, season, or year. This ticket will generate no matter how many previously generated ones may still be sitting open. This seems to be the popular option for anything Monthly, or more.

  1. Select Preventive work type to open Schedule.

  2. Select Persistent.

  3. Click in the Repeats every fields and enter the frequency then time range you want the Preventive Work Order to automatically generate.

  4. Click in the Starting from field and select the future date and hour you want this PM to start.

  5. Enter when the work order should be completed by in the Time to complete field.

  6. Confirm the scheduling details at the bottom of the Schedule section, then add any other details to the New Work Order form before you hit the Save button.

Seasonal PMs can be scheduled by following these exact steps:

  1. After choosing Preventive, choose Persistent.

  2. Select "Month" from the time range dropdown in the "Repeats every" section.

  3. Next, click on the number dropdown in the "Repeats every" section and choose "Custom".

  4. Click in the box to select the months.

  5. Finally, select the specific day of the month from the "On the" section.

  6. Add "Starting from" and "Time to Complete" if needed.

Watch this gif to see steps on how to schedule seasonal PMs.

Guide - Floating

Use the Floating option when you want a PM to generate at a certain hour, day, week, month, or year based on the completion date of the previous work order. If the previous work order doesn't get completed, the next ticket won't generate. This is a popular option for anything less than Monthly.

  1. Select Preventive Work Type to open Schedule.

  2. Select Floating.

  3. Click in the Repeats every fields and enter the frequency then time range you want the Preventive Work Order to automatically generate once the last one is closed.

  4. Click in the Starting from field and select the future date and hour you want to see the first of this PM.

  5. Enter when the work order should be completed by in the Time to complete field.

  6. Confirm the scheduling details at the bottom of the Schedule section, then add any other details to the New Work Order form before you hit the Save button.

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