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Labor Rates and Overtime

Admins can associate a labor rate with a user to calculate labor cost in reports

Updated over 8 months ago

Admins can link labor rates to users on their profile form for regular time, overtime, and double overtime. When a user that's assigned to a work order finishes, they enter the time spent. The rate is never displayed, but their time is linked to their labor rates. This then calculates labor costs in reports. This guide shows you how.

Gif - Add Labor Rate

Guide - Add Labor Rate

  1. Select Admin Settings from the Main Menu.

  2. Click the All Users tab to view a list of existing users in the program.

  3. Select the user name you want to add a labor rate to.

  4. Click on the Edit button to open their profile form.

For new Users, click the +User button to open their profile form and include labor rates.

5. Make sure the Can Be Assigned to Work Orders is toggled on.

6. Enter a numerical amount in any of the Regular, Overtime 1, or Overtime 2 fields.

7. Hit Save.

The currency is associated with the Entity settings in Admin Settings>General Settings.

Guide - Add Time

Now, when anyone that's assigned to a work order clicks the Add Time button from the ticket, they enter the amount and select at which rate. The rate isn't shown, but the calculations are made. Labor Costs are in the Reports and KPIs module.

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